Monday, January 14, 2013

Snow in Tokyo

Happy Coming of Age Day! Or Adult's Day, depending on who's translating it. If I understand correctly, this is the day where everybody who's turned 20 in the past year goes to City Hall and participates in some sort of ceremony celebrating the fact that they are now officially adults. For me, this means a 3-day weekend.

As I've mentioned before, I was sick over the holidays. A bit of a bummer, but it led to a very quiet and peaceful holiday season. Just me and my books, movies and games. And a cat that was very happy to have me settled at home and providing a lap for her morning, afternoon and evening naps. I'm here to serve!

Right after the holidays, I was the Embassy duty officer. I hit the trifecta for defining a good duty officer week in Tokyo: no deaths, no arrests and no calls that woke me up in the middle of the night. It was wonderful! I've also realized that the switchboard ladies, who screen A LOT of calls, are a gift from God.  

Between work, fighting off colds and being duty officer, this is the first healthy and free weekend I've had in nearly 2 months. I'm so happy! On Saturday, I went to self-defense class, got my hair done, and went to Shibuya for bread and cream puffs. Yesterday was a fun and productive shopping trip up to Yokota AB. Plans for today fell through, but it's turned out to be a good thing, as I have a home to-do list right now that could fill up about 4 days. I woke up to a rainy day, so spending the day puttering around the house looked to be perfect.   

And then the good puttering day became even more perfect when I looked out my window and saw this.

Snow!  The picture above was taken a few minutes ago.  The one below was taken earlier in the day, during one of my forays to the storage unit to put away Christmas decorations.

I think it's time for hot chocolate and some homemade individual turkey and apple pot pies!

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